

I watched Snow White movie with my friends at Soreiyu.

It  was a little frightning and magnificent scale movie.
There were a lot of thrilling senses in the film.
It was nice movie!

It was different with Disney movies'.

dinnner with my friends

I had a dinner with my friends on july 10th.
We ate Korean food. All of menu were very dericious.

We talked about summer plan, boyfriend and so on...

We have only 8 months to spend each other.
It is too short and sad.
We will make a lot of delightful  memories in this year!

finished essay for guraduation!

I had finished interim report of a graduation thesis this month.

I'm happy! but I have to read a lot of book and write a thesis.

I am goting to write my thesis in this summer vacation.

part time job

I will start working at tutor from next month.
I have a part-time job tutoring a elementary schoolchilds in math, japanese and social science, but I'm worry about teaching math.
They have a summer vacation so they have many homework. First of all, I have to check their homework each other.
It will be also a good training to teach for me.


Practice teaching!

I had studyed teacher training for 3 weeks at my old school.

All of students are very kind, also they study hard and smart.
I was anxiety to teach English for them.

However, students enjoyed studying in  my class.
I was moved!
Moreover, I was encouraged  by teacher, colleague and students.

Altough three weeks were very short, I had good experiences!
I don't forget this experience forever.


2012/ 05/26 having a dinner with my friends!

I'm going to go out tonight!
I'm having a dinner with my friends.

I will eat a lot!!

2012/ 05/ 26 Class

I had a class today..... The class was boring!

However, today's class was not boring.
Other school's teacher came our class.
He lectured us about student teaching.
It was very good for us.

2012/ 05/ 25 Company briefing session

I went Company briefing session after school yesterday.
It was rainy yesterday so my feeling did not go up.

The session was about 2 hours.
I was very sleepy because I attended a class in the morning but I didn't sleep.
The session was good very mouch for me because I want to enter the company.

When the session finish, the rain stopped.
I went Tokyu-hands after the session.
I went shopping again!

2012/ 05 / 24 WOWOW TV

I watched "The devil who wore PRADA" after I go home.
I watched the movie at WOWOW.

I enrolled WOWOW this month.
WOWOW is TV company and there are many TV programas.
I like WOWOW because the TV program has many movies and live.
However It takes fee in a month.
Audience who want to watch WOWOW's program have to pay.
I think It costs 2,500 per one month.
But we can watch free for 16 days only.
I used it and I watched the movie.

WOWOW is very nice !

2012/05/22 Shopping!

I went shopping last tuesday.
I have favorite shop at Pacela, so I often go shopping there to buy clothes.
The shop has five assistants and everyone is very cute! I like the shop.
My favorite assistant is very kind and openhearted person, so It is easy to talk with her.

However, I didn't meet her recently.
I thought she has gone different shop but It was misunderstanding!
I  saw her after an interval of four months when I went there.
I was happy to see her and  remember me!
She said me "long time no see".
I was very happy!
I did shopping a lot the day!

I had a good day!


my father came Hiroshima!

I'm going to write about last weekend.

my father came Hiroshima last weekend.
i was glad to see him.
so, we had a dinner at Sogo.
we talked about job hunting and a school where students do practice teaching.

i have to go to high school where students do practice teaching next month.
im very nervous!
and i want to get a job quickly!



Im going to write about weekend.

I went to Kure last saturday.
There are many beautyful iland in Kure, so I crossed the bridge 4 times.
I saw a lot of cherry-blossom and orange tree, also there are historical private house in there.
After that, I went to Suzugamine observatory that there is very high mountain.
The view from mountain was very beautiful and I was able to look around the whole town.